Pediatric Massage &

Baby / Toddler Massage Caregiver Training Sessions

Pediatric / Teen Massage

Pediatric massage is suitable for clients 3-18 years old and is tailored to the client’s developmental, physical and emotional needs. In the pediatric massage sessions, parents/caregivers remain in the room (younger children) or right outside the room (tweens and teens.)

Some of the harmful effects of stress on kids might show up as the following symptoms:

•Tummy troubles


•School refusal

•Lack of focus

•Anxiety / depressive symptoms

In addition, active / athletic kids and kids who are growing may experience musculoskeletal pain and discomfort.

Massage therapy is a useful tool for children as well as adults to treat physical aches and pains and provide stress reduction.

Baby / Toddler Massage Caregiver Training Sessions

For infants and toddlers, Caregivers can be trained to provide simple massage techniques at home. Research shows that there are so many benefits to massage for infants and toddlers, such as:

•Reduction of muscle tension like torticollis from birth process

•Increases weight gain for preterm infants

•Reduction of colic symptoms

•Reduction of gas and constipation

•Reduction of vomiting

•Positively impacts kinesthetic motor skills

•Improves sleep

•Increases bond with caregiver